Saturday, September 22, 2012

Attending the we conferences for our classes has normally been very useful!  I enjoy attending them and learning from other people.  However, in this class...School Community Relations....we seem to be drifting off course more often.  People are asking so many questions that are more related to obtaining our degrees but not the course in specific.  Also, people have been logging on late to the conference and then asking the same questions that have been asked several times earlier.  It would be helpful if they scroll through the chat log before asking questions.  I hope to continue on the conferences but want to focus on the class and reviewing the mid term and preparing for the final!

1 comment:

  1. I understand your principal's feeling about the teachers not making the effort. I have always been one to call parents and invite them personally to activities at school and have classroom incentives for students who attend events at school. It shows that I care about their families coming and reinforce with the kids that parent participation is good. Too often parents get used to negative contact and kids get used to negative parent meetings. They associate parents being at school as a bad thing. I always want to break that cycle! Thank you for sharing that information.
