Sunday, January 27, 2013

ARP is rolling along and we seem to be having excellent reports so far.  All of the classrooms have their posters posted and we have included additional activities to be included so this is not viewed as a negative.  The children do watch this poster and make sure they have all of their checks based on the activities so far.  I think this has been a positive impact since we have not had any complaints from our parents about the poster and we have had feedback that their kids are urging them to attend so they can get credit!  This is what we had hoped for!  I have been attending all of the PTO meetings and recognized a few areas for improvement as it relates to their activities.  First, their meetings are not publicized well so unless you are on the PTO Board, you are not aware these are occurring.  Second, the teachers are not informed about their activities.  This is an opportunity for us to become more aware of what events are coming up and help promote this to our parents.  Also, many of our teachers have kids in our school and don't feel informed! 
I am still gathering my results on testing to see if the parent involvement is having an impact!  I have a "control" classroom on every grade level but one so we will be able to compare results of teachers who made sure to contact EVERY SINGLE parent versus those who reached some but were not able to reach all!

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