Thursday, June 21, 2012

Week Three Reflection

I found this week to be TOUGH!  I constantly struggled with determining if I was taking on too much or cutting too much out.  Parent involvement is a large topic that touches so many areas within a school.  We FIRMLY believe that if we can increase our parent involvement of our at-risk children, they will begin to view school in a different light!  Currently, there is little communication between parents and teachers.  Our kids know this and use it to their advantage.  We must come together as a team and work for the children so they see the importance as well!  When I was creating my action plan, I kept pushing myself to come up with activities that try to get to the heart of the matter....Why don't the parents come to events at our school?  I certainly am not looking to offend them but I do believe there are times you just have to ask the tough question WHY!?!? 
I did not include every event we host through our school as I did not believe repeating these events would add value to my plan.  What I did try to include were the events that involved the key stakeholders and would provide data for us to analyze and use for future decision making.  I am very interested in receiving feedback and constructive criticism on the events planned.  It is very difficult to sit in solitaire and try to solve a dilemma that so many schools around the world face!  I am not fooling myself in believing this will solve all of our issues but I do think it will take us one step closer!  I found a quote that I believe applies perfectly to this situation. 
"I'd rather be partly great than entirely useless.”
Neal Shusterman, Unwind


  1. I like that you included specific tasks teachers will accomplish and how the parents will be communicated with. I am a little hesitant on backing the idea of a parent involvment chart visible to all...(maybe teacher only)the students can be negatively affected by their parents's lack of documentation on the chart. Don't get me wrong -I'm old school and like building the competitive spirit, but I have some kids that would surely be less motivated due to the seeing their parent lack of interest everyday on a wall.
    Maybe a private family folder that is reviewed/sent home each month. That folder could also have room for mentors to sign-in and log time. That way the student can see progress on their behalf by adults and the parent still see they are accountable.
    If you find other ways, please let me know.

    1. Thank you for your feedback....I do see your point related to the chart. I don't want kids to feel bad...on the other hand we are hoping this helps motivate the parents to attend as well! I do like your idea about the folder and will bring that back to share with the team! Thank you....

      I have not found any ideas about motivating parents...I will share as soon as I find anything.

  2. I thought I commented on something else to the two of you (Lara and Kelly). Kelly, I completely agree! I had to wake up at 4 am 4 days this week to get my work done before my girls got up. I was at my wits end!! Do you guys want to exchange email or facebook info so we can keep in touch and ask each other questions? I am having trouble with TK20-- knowing what I need to do and not wanting to do too much?!?!

    1. Kay...not sure if I hit reply so read below!!

  3. Kay...I would love to! My e-mail is Send me an e-mail there and we can keep in touch! Thanks for the offer...having another person to turn to is always helpful!

  4. YEAH!!! Don't know why i am just now deeing this!!
